Photo credit: Bryan R. Smith/AFP via Getty Images
New York, NY, December 11, 2019 … ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) CEO Jonathan Greenblatt issued the following statement regarding Tuesday’s attack on a Kosher Jewish supermarket in Jersey City that resulted in the deaths of at least three civilians and one police officer:
“While the investigation is ongoing and new details come to light, it is becoming more and more clear that the Jewish supermarket in Jersey City was targeted by these two individuals for violence. We are absolutely devastated by the loss of life and stand side-by-side with the Jewish community, as well as law enforcement who are mourning the loss of one of their own.
If this incident was motivated by hate, which news reports indicate, then this is another incident in a long line of violent incidents targeting the Jewish community. This hatred is a disease and right now we are experiencing an epidemic. Leaders must lead and call out hate wherever and whenever it rears its ugly head – regardless of politics. This is about principle.
The Jewish people deserve better. The families and loved ones of those killed by these cowards deserve better. We all deserve better.”
According to news reports, the two suspects may have recent or past ties to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, some sects of which profess anti-Semitic and racist beliefs. An investigation into the motives and the specific target of the Jewish-owned business is ongoing, and authorities have not explicitly labeled the shooting as anti-Semitic.