The polarization of Israeli society brings ADL-Israel to convene the first ever Israel Social Cohesion Summit to serve as a platform for dialogue and call for action for both leadership and Israeli public. Join us and be a part of creating a shared vision for ISRAEL 2048.
Israel 2048: Israel Social Cohesion Summit
MC: Hila Korach, TV and Radio host
8:00 – 9:00 Registration and networking
9:00-9:45 Opening Remarks
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director, ADL
Carole Nuriel, Director, ADL Israel
MK Gila Gamliel, Minister of Social Equality
Ron Huldai, Mayor, Tel Aviv-Jaffa
9:45 – 11:00 Israeli society in 2048 (Plenary session) Prop. David Passig, Futurist Head, Graduate Program in Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), Bar Ilan University
Mike Prashker, Senior Advisor for Strategic Partnerships, Ted Arison Family Foundation
Carole Nuriel, Director, ADL Israel, Presentation of ADL survey on social cohesion in Israel
MK Amir Peretz, The Zionist Union, Former Minister of Defense
Moshe Bogie Yaalon, Former Chief of staff and Minister of Defense
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Simultaneous panels
Panel #1: TheWar of Narratives
Moderator: Orly Vilnai, Journalist on social issues and a television presenter
Presenters: Melekh Zilbershlag, The Digital division, The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation “KAN”
Boris (Bery) Rozenberg, Founder and Co-Director, “The Cultural Brigade” and member of “1.5 Generation”
Emily Amrousy, Journalist, author and publicist
Ibtisam Mara’ana Menuhin, Film and TV director and producer
Oshra Friedman, TV host, Social entrepreneur; Deputy Director, Content and Development, the Association for Joint Israeli Leadership
Panel #2: Israeli Education: Joint or Sectorial? Moderator: Daphna Liel, Parliamentary reporter, Channel 2 News
Presenters: Yuval Halavia, Chairman, Israel’s National Students and Youth Council
Mickey Nevo, Director, “Living Together” initiative and Director, Program for Youth Leadership, Mandel Institute
Aviad Friedman, Chairman, Israeli Association of Community Centers (IACC)
Prof. Yuli Tamir, Former Education Minister, President, Shenkar
Prof. Zehavit Gross, Chair, UNESCO chair for Values Education, Tolerance and Peace, Bar- Ilan University
Panel #3: The Israeli Public Sphere: Religious or ecularization?
Moderator: Erel Segal, Journalist
Presenters: Dr. Tomer Persico, Research Fellow, Shalom Hartman Institute, Lecturer, Department for Comparative Religion, Tel-Aviv University
Anat Hoffman, Executive Director, Israel Religious Action Center
Racheli Ibenboim, Founder and CEO, Movilot program, Head, Shaharit’s Haredi Program
Dr. Ram Vromen, Chairman and Founder, The Secular Forum
Zehorit Sorek, Chairwoman, LGBT Wing, Yesh Atid; Founder, the LGBT Religious Community
Rabbi Rafi Feuerstein, President, the Feuerstein Institute, Co-founder, Tzohar organization of Rabbis
Panel #4: We Are Brethren: the Role of Diaspora Jewry
(The panel will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation to English)
Moderator:David Horovitz, Founding Editor, Times of Israel
Presenters: Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO and National Director
Dan Shapiro, Former US Ambassador to Israel; Senior Fellow, INSS
Rebecca Caspi, Senior Vice President, Global Operations; Director General, JFNA Israel
Rabbi Dr. Dov Maimon, Senior Fellow, The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI)
Zvika Klein, Jewish World Correspondent, Makor Rishon and nrg360
1:00 – 1:45 Lunch break
1:45 – 2:45 Between Posting and Tweeting: the Role of Traditional Media in Shaping the Public Discourse in Israel 2048 (Plenary session)
Moderator: Oshrat Kotler, Journalist, Channel 10
Presenters: Aluf Benn, Editor in-Chief, Haaretz
Amit Segal, Political Correspondent, Channel 2 News
Suhil Karram, Founder and Owner, Ash-Shams Radio
Yossi Elituv, Editor in-Chief, Mishpacha
Yaakov Katz, Editor in Chief, Jersalem Post
2:45 – 3:15 Performance by “Caffe Shachor Hazak”
Simultaneous translation to English will be provided